Find Inner Peace with the Top Stress-Relief Ylang Ylang Oils

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Do you feel stressed, anxious, and overwhelmed lately? You’re not alone. With increasingly busy modern lifestyles, many people struggle to find calm and maintain mental wellbeing. Fortunately, ylang ylang essential oil can help relieve stress, soothe nerves, and promote relaxation.

Derived from the intoxicating yellow flowers of the Cananga tree, ylang ylang oil has been used in aromatherapy and natural medicine for centuries. Originating in tropical Asia, the sweetly floral oil contains active compounds that provide sedative and antidepressant effects when inhaled.

In this post, we’ll cover everything you need to know about using ylang ylang essential oil to beat stress and anxiety. First, we’ll countdown the top 5 recommended pure ylang ylang oils for relaxation and peace of mind. Next, we’ll provide tips on how to choose a high-quality ylang ylang oil that fits your needs and budget.

We’ll also answer some frequently asked questions about using ylang ylang oil, especially for stress and anxiety relief. Finally, we’ll suggest different methods to use this floral oil in your home, from diffusers to massage. Let’s dive in!

Top 5 Stress-Relief Ylang Ylang Oils

With so many essential oil brands available today, it can be tricky choosing a high quality ylang ylang oil that lives up to its relaxing claims. Here are the top factors we evaluated when selecting the best pure ylang ylang oils for stress and anxiety relief:

  • Purity: 100% pure and undiluted ylang ylang oil, not cut with carrier oils or artificial ingredients
  • Quality: organic, ethically sourced, positive customer reviews
  • Aroma: floral, slightly sweet smell without harsh or chemical undertones
  • Company: reputation for ethical practices, transparency
  • Price: affordable but not so cheap that purity is questionable
  • Uses: aromatherapy, skincare, bath products, etc

Based on these criteria, here are the top 5 recommended ylang ylang oils for melting away stress:

1. Essence A Organic Ylang Ylang Essential Oil

Overview: This USDA certified organic ylang ylang oil contains 100% pure oil extracted from flowers in Madagascar. The company ethically sources from local farms to provide a premium therapeutic-grade product. Available in 5, 10, and 15ml bottles.

Highlights: Great value for a certified organic oil. Absorbs well when diluted on skin. Intoxicating floral aroma perfect for diffusion. Customers rave this oil helps calm anxiety.

Relieves Stress: Inhale directly when feelings anxious or add to an essential oil diffuser. The sweet floral scent promotes instant calm.

2. Essence B Undiluted Ylang Ylang Oil

Overview: Steam distilled from ylang ylang flowers in Madagascar, this undiluted oil is 100% pure with no added chemicals or fillers. The company uses a chemical-free extraction method for top quality. Oils come in amber glass bottles to preserve freshness.

Highlights: Long lasting aroma when diffused or applied topically. Mixes well with other relaxing oils like lavender. Company committed to sustainability.

Relieves Stress: Add several drops to a warm bath or light a candle, close your eyes, and inhale the soothing scent directly from the bottle.

3. Essence C Organic Ylang Ylang Essential Oil

Overview: This organic ylang ylang is ethically grown in Madagascar without pesticides or herbicides that can degrade quality. The oil is 100% pure in therapeutic grade for aromatherapy use. Cruelty-free production.

Highlights: Great value for certified organic. Light yellow color indicates quality processing. Company known for excellent customer service.

Relieves Stress: Apply diluted oil to back of neck when feeling anxious. The floral aroma calms a stressed mind.

4. Essence D Ylang Ylang Essential Oil

Overview: Sourced from farms in Madagascar, this therapeutic grade ylang ylang oil contains only pure undiluted essence. The company uses organic growing practices for a premium eco-friendly product. Oils available in 10, 30, and 60ml sizes.

Highlights: Reputable brand known for quality oils at affordable prices. Great purity and strong floral aroma. Larger sizes available for better value.

Relieves Stress: Diffuse at night for incredibly restful sleep. The scent comforts an anxious mind.

5. Essence E Undiluted Ylang Ylang Oil

Overview: This undiluted ylang ylang oil is steam distilled from fresh Cananga flowers in Madagascar. The company uses a chemical-free process to extract the pure, aromatic compounds. Affordable pricing for top quality.

Highlights: UV protective bottle keeps oil stable longer. Woman owned company committed to sustainability and eco practices.

Relieves Stress: Add a few drops to a warm bath for a relaxing soak. The hypnotic floral fragrance melts tension away.

So there you have it – the top 5 recommended ylang ylang oils for natural stress and anxiety relief based on purity, quality, value, and sustainable sourcing.

How to Choose a Ylang Ylang Oil for Stress Relief

With countless options on the market, choosing a high quality ylang ylang oil for stress relief may feel confusing. Here are the key factors to evaluate when selecting an oil:

Purity – Only buy 100% pure, undiluted ylang ylang oil. Therapeutic grade oils approved for medicinal use are best. Avoid oils diluted with carrier oils or artificial ingredients.

Quality – Seek out organic, sustainably sourced oils from regions like Madagascar. Transparent companies with positive reviews typically offer quality.

Smell – The aroma should be pleasantly floral and sweet, but not overpowering. Avoid chemical or harsh scents indicating low quality.

Company – Research brands to find those committed to ethical and sustainable practices in production. Beware companies making vague claims.

Price – While very cheap oils seem appealing, low prices may indicate diluted or low quality oils. Expect to pay around $15-30 for a 10-15ml bottle.

Bottle – Dark glass bottles help block light to preserve oil. Look for a dropper top and UV coating for stability.

Uses – Multi-purpose oils you can use topically, in diffusers, bath products, etc are most versatile. Brands should specifically promote stress relief benefits.

Results – Read product descriptions, FAQs, and reviews to confirm the oil provides anxiety and stress relieving results.

Safety – Do a patch test before wide use. Properly dilute oils before applying to skin to avoid irritation.

Using these criteria when comparing different ylang ylang oils will help you select one that reduces anxiety without breaking the bank.

FAQs About Using Ylang Ylang Oil for Stress Relief

If you’re new to using essential oils for anxiety and stress, you likely have some questions. Here we’ll answer some of the most frequently asked questions about using ylang ylang for relaxation:

How much ylang ylang oil should I use for stress relief?

When first starting out, use just 1-2 drops diluted in a carrier oil and applied to pulse points like the wrists or neck. For aromatherapy diffusers, start with 3-6 drops. Adjust amounts based on scent strength preference and desired effects. Use less oil at first until you find your ideal dosage.

What’s the best way to use ylang ylang oil for anxiety?

Inhaling ylang ylang oil is one of the most effective ways to leverage its anti-anxiety benefits. Rub 1-2 diluted drops between hands, cup over nose, close eyes, and inhale deeply. You can also place a few drops into an aromatherapy diffuser. Breathe deeply and visualize stress melting away.

Can I apply undiluted ylang ylang oil directly to my skin?

It’s best to dilute ylang ylang with a carrier oil before applying it topically. Oils like coconut, almond, and jojoba oil help “carry” the essential oil onto skin safely. Undiluted essential oils may cause irritation, rashes, or sensitivity. Do a patch test on a small area first if using undiluted.

What does ylang ylang smell like?

Ylang ylang has a pleasant, floral aroma with slightly sweet balsamic undertones. The luxurious scent is often described as “tropical.” While powerful, it’s not overbearing. Lower quality ylang ylang may have a harsh or chemical odor. Seek out organic oils with a nice floral bouquet.

Can I take ylang ylang oil internally for anxiety?

We don’t recommend ingesting ylang ylang or any essential oils. Some oils can be toxic if swallowed. For safety, use ylang ylang aromatically or topically diluted. These methods allow the calming compounds in the oil to reach scent receptors and enter the bloodstream without ingesting. Consult your doctor before ingesting any essential oils.

Hopefully these FAQs have answered your main questions about safely and effectively using ylang ylang essential oil for combating stress and anxiety.

Ways to Use Ylang Ylang Oil for Stress Relief

Looking for ideas on how to leverage ylang ylang’s relaxing properties? Here are some different methods for using this floral oil to find calm:


Add 3-6 drops of oil to your diffuser filled with water. Turn on the diffuser and inhale the aroma throughout the room. The sweet floral fragrance reduces stress. For direct inhalation, place 1 drop of oil in your palms, rub hands together, cup over nose, close eyes, and inhale deeply. Focus on the scent for an anxiety-relieving boost.

You can also make a personal inhaler by adding several drops onto a cotton pad or stick placed inside a tube container. Inhale the aroma anytime, anywhere you feel stressed. For steam inhalation, add 2-3 drops of ylang ylang to a bowl of hot water. Lean over the bowl with a towel draped over your head. Breathe in the relaxing vapor.

Topical Use

For a full body massage, add 10-12 drops of ylang ylang to one ounce of carrier oil like coconut or jojoba. Apply the oil mixture onto skin in soothing strokes. The calming compounds absorb into the bloodstream. For a relaxing bath, add 5-6 drops of oil to warm bath water. Soak in the aroma-infused water and exhale any tension.

As a perfume, rub 1-2 diluted drops on pulse points like the wrists, behind the ears, and neck. The scent provides anxiety relief all day long.

Around the Home

Use a scented oil diffuser in bedrooms or office spaces for continuous stress-relieving aroma. Or add 10-15 drops to reed diffusers placed in rooms around your home for background fragrance. Make a pillow or linen spray by mixing 12-15 drops with water in a spray bottle. Mist sheets, towels, curtains or anything that needs a calming floral scent.

From aromatic diffusion to topical use, ylang ylang oil can fit seamlessly into your daily relaxation routine. Try different delivery methods to see what brings you the most anxiety and stress relief.


We hope this post has provided a helpful overview of using ylang ylang essential oil to relieve stress, anxiety, and depression. Ylang ylang contains natural compounds that help stabilize mood and promote inner calm when inhaled or applied topically.

The top recommended brands offer 100% pure, undiluted oil derived from ethical and sustainable practices. Evaluate purity, quality, aroma, pricing, reviews and more when choosing an oil. Use Ylang ylang aromatically or diluted on skin for anxiety and stress relief.

Incorporate ylang ylang into your self-care routine to boost your mental health and wellbeing. Its sweet floral scent brings joy while its medicinal properties reduce tension, anxiety, and sadness. Try one of the top 5 oils today to experience ylang ylang’s peace-enhancing benefits!

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