Find Tranquility with the Top 5 Rose Essential Oils for Relaxation

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Take a deep breath and inhale the sweet, floral scent of roses. As you breathe out, feel your stress and tension melt away. The precious oil extracted from rose petals isn’t just wonderfully fragrant – it also provides profound relaxation and tranquility benefits.

Rose essential oils have been used for centuries in aromatherapy and natural medicine for their uplifting yet calming effects. Whether you’re looking to destress after a long day, enjoy a more restful sleep, or simply cultivate an overall sense of serenity, rose oil can help you find your inner peace.

In this post, we’ll explore the top 5 rose essential oils that promote relaxation, reduce anxiety, and soothe frazzled nerves. Discover the best uses for each restorative rose oil and tips for incorporating them into your self-care routine.

A Primer on Rose Essential Oils

Before diving into our recommendations, let’s cover some rose oil basics. These highly concentrated oils are extracted from rose flowers and petals through steam distillation or solvent extraction. This process allows the oils to retain the signature scent and therapeutic compounds of the rose plant. The oils contain antioxidants, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory properties.

True rose otto oil comes from the Damascus rose and is considered the holy grail of rose oils. However, there are many high quality varieties available. Bulgarian, Moroccan, Turkish, and Indian roses also produce therapeutic oils.

These oils aren’t cheap – pure rose essential oil commands a high price due to the large volume of petals needed. However, their exquisite aroma and relaxation abilities make them well worth the investment for many.

When inhaled, the sweet floral notes of rose oil are uplifting. But they also paradoxically promote calmness by reducing anxiety, blood pressure, breathing rate, and heart rate. Rose oils can even help treat headaches, insomnia, and depression.

Now that you know the basics, let’s look at the top 5 rose oils that will leave you feeling zen and oh-so-relaxed.

1. Rose Otto Oil

Rose otto, also known as attar of rose, is produced from the Damascus rose. Of all the rose oils, otto is considered the most precious and concentrated. It takes a staggering 8,000 pounds of rose petals to make 1 pound of rose otto oil!

This oil has a rich, deep floral aroma profile. Its scent is multifaceted with notes of honey and spice undercutting the bright rose notes. Rose otto promotes emotional balance and has an intensely soothing effect on the mind and body. It’s no wonder this oil has been used in skincare, perfumery, and religious ceremonies for thousands of years.

For relaxation purposes, add a few drops of rose otto oil into an aromatherapy diffuser or vaporizer. Inhale the aroma to relieve anxiety, depression, and grief. It also reduces headaches and hypertension. Use otto sparingly due to its potency and high price.

2. Rose Absolute Oil

Rose absolute oil is also extracted from the Damascus rose, like rose otto. The key difference is that rose absolute is processed using a chemical solvent extraction method, whereas otto is steam distilled.

Many consider absolute to be second only to otto in terms of aroma quality and depth. Its rich, heady, honey-like fragrance feels opulent and luxurious. Rose absolute is brimming with soothing, anti-anxiety and antidepressant compounds.

Dab a drop directly onto your wrist or neck and breathe in rose absolute’s relaxing scent. Or add to an unscented lotion for a light body massage. This oil helps unwind both the body and mind before bedtime to allow for a restful sleep.

3. Bulgarian Rose Oil

Oil pressed from the Bulgarian rose has a very sweet, dewy aroma. Of all the rose oils, it has the strongest true rose note. Think bright, fresh rose petals with honey undertones.

Bulgarian rose oil is affordable and has many therapeutic uses. It’s gentle yet extremely effective for alleviating stress, grief, tension headaches, and insomnia. Massage diluted Bulgarian rose oil onto the temples, forehead, and back of the neck for tension relief. Or add to a hot bath soak to decompress.

This oil blends nicely with citrusy and floral oils if you find the aroma too cloying. Try combining with neroli, clary sage, bergamot, or lemon essential oils for an uplifting scent.

4. Lavender Rose Oil

As you may have guessed from the name, lavender rose oil combines these two most relaxing floral oils. Roses provide the sweet, honey-like backdrop, while lavender adds its fresh herbaceous aroma.

Together these two oils work synergistically to relieve stress and anxiety. Lavender rose helps stabilize mood and promote emotional balance and well-being. It’s excellent before meditation or yoga practice. Or add to pillow mist to spritz on your linens before sleep.

With two powerhouse ingredients, lavender rose oil packs a potent relaxation punch. It’s ideal for those who can’t decide between their two favorite floral scents.

5. Rose Geranium Oil

Rose geranium essential oil is steam distilled from the leaves and flowers of the rose geranium plant (Pelargonium graveolens). The aroma is a memorably sweet, rose-scented floral with hints of mint and citrus.

Given its crisp, fresh scent, rose geranium naturally uplifts mood and relieves stress. It also has sedative properties to promote restful sleep and relaxation. Massage diluted rose geranium oil into the feet or add to a foot bath to unwind before bed.

As one of the most affordable rose-scented oils, rose geranium is a budget-friendly way to enjoy the relaxing aroma. Its versatility also makes it a great starter oil for beginners.

Using Rose Oils for Relaxation

Now that you’re familiar with the top 5 rose essential oils for unwinding, let’s discuss proper usage. While these oils are gentle, be sure to follow these best practices:

  • Perform a skin patch test before widespread use to check for allergies.
  • Always dilute rose oils with a carrier oil like coconut or jojoba before applying topically. A 2-3% dilution is recommended.
  • Avoid contact with eyes and other mucus membranes.
  • Don’t ingest essential oils unless under the guidance of an aromatherapy expert or doctor.
  • Diffusing and inhaling is the safest method of use. But also ventilate the room to avoid overexposure.
  • Keep oils out of reach of children as they have sensitive skin.

Here are some of my favorite techniques for using rose essential oils to promote relaxation:

  • Add a few drops of oil into an aromatherapy diffuser or nebulizer. Inhale the aroma to relieve anxiety and depression.
  • For a soothing floral soak, add 5-8 drops of rose essential oil into a warm bath. Relax as you soak away stress.
  • Massage diluted rose oil onto the neck, temples, wrists, and shoulders for tension relief.
  • Sprinkle a few drops onto your bed pillow or bedsheets 10 minutes before sleep. Breathe in the aroma as you drift off.
  • For homemade reed diffusers, add rose oil to water with a few drops of vodka in a glass jar. Insert rattan reeds.
  • Add 2-3 drops to an unscented lotion or body oil and apply after a shower for moisturized, aromatherapy benefits.
  • Mix with Epsom salts for a rejuvenating foot soak or bath.

As you can see, rose essential oils can be used in many different ways. Experiment to find which applications you respond to best. Consistency is key to see maximum stress relief benefits.


If you’re new to using essential oils for relaxation, you probably have some questions. Here I’ll address some frequently asked questions about rose essential oils:

Are rose oils safe for pregnant women?

Most rose oils are safe when diluted and used as directed. However, check with your doctor first, as some may have hormonal effects. Avoid rose otto.

What’s the shelf life of rose essential oils?

Unopened, pure rose oil can last 1-2 years if stored properly away from light and heat. Oxygen exposure speeds up oxidation, so store in full bottles.

How do I know if I’m allergic to rose oils?

Do a skin patch test by applying diluted oil to your inner arm. If no reaction in 24 hours, you should be fine. Rash, redness, or itching indicates allergic response.

Are rose oils safe for children and babies?

Do not use any essential oil undiluted or directly on babies or children under age 5. Older children should be supervised and only use oils diluted to 0.5-1% concentration.

Can I apply undiluted rose oil directly to my skin?

It’s not recommended as undiluted oils may cause skin irritation. Always dilute with a carrier oil before topical use. Exceptions can be made for oils like lavender and rose which are gentler. But start sparingly.

How much rose essential oil should I use in a bath?

For adult baths, limit rose oils to about 6-12 drops max. This provides relaxation benefits without being overpowering. Start with less as you can always add more.

Do rose oils expire or go bad?

Yes, rose essential oils have a shelf life of 1-2 years typically. Exposure to heat, light, and oxygen will speed up expiration. Store in cool, dark place in full bottles.

Is there a difference between rose oil and rose essential oil?

Rose oil refers to both rose essential oil (distilled) and rose absolute oil (solvent extracted). Look for the terms “essential oil” or “pure oil” to identify the distilled type over fragrance oils.

Where is the best place to buy pure rose essential oils?

Reputable essential oil companies, holistic shops, and alternative medicine stores carry high quality oils. Or buy directly from distillers if possible. Price doesn’t always mean purity.

How should I store rose essential oils?

Keep rose oil in dark amber or cobalt blue bottles away from direct light. Store in a cool place like a cupboard or drawer, as heat diminishes potency faster. Keep bottles fully closed.

Breathe in the Calming Fragrance of Roses

While more expensive than other essential oils, pure rose oils are worth the splurge. Their ability to soothe, calm, and relax both mind and body is unmatched. With so many uses from aromatherapy and massage to skincare, rose oil is a worthwhile addition to your wellness routine.

I hope this overview has provided a helpful primer on using different rose oils for relaxation. Try integrating these gentle floral oils into your life and let their sweet aroma transport you to a place of tranquility.

Remember to always use essential oils safely and consciously. When in doubt, consult your doctor or an aromatherapy practitioner. As you experiment with rose oils, pay attention to your body and how you feel. Find the types and applications that unlock a sense of inner calm.

Now take another deep inhale, letting the velvety scent infuse your senses. As you exhale, release any residual stress. Allow the beautiful fragrance to open your mind and spirit to profound relaxation.

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